Friday, September 11, 2009

South African Refugee-Brandon Huntley

It is with mixed feelings, more resolute than hesitant though, that I open my first Blog with a controversial issue that is reigning supreme on the international news lines. Especially in South Africa and Canada.

The topic just happens to have race as a central theme. I love hard news topics, but also have a tendency towards, light frivolous meanderings. However, what reeely does it for me are stories of human interest, which shows the inconquerable spirit of people , generally. But more about that this space;-)

In the South African context, there are currently the Caster Semenya issue, with a focus on her physical private bits and pieces.

The issue I really want to broach is the situation with South African Brandon Huntley , who was awarded refugee status by the Canadian government. His reasoning was that as a white South African he has been targeted by black criminals , and have indeed suffered about 8 or so atttacks on his person. As a South African, I feel for this man. True, being a victim of crime, is not the reserve of Messr. Huntley alone. Regrettable and disturbing as violence against anyone is, South Africans of all races, colours and creed are afflicted by this horrific scourge. Just drive around our suburbs and see how we have to barricade our homes!

My late mom, Mrs Merlene B. Simons, used to say:

" It is all good and well to keep criminals out, but what if something happens inside, what then? You are barricaded in". Wise words, no?

Coming back to Mr. Brandon Huntley. He has the right to have his say, and do with his life whatever he feels. Indeed, this is a right possessed by all of us in the Free world;-)

Why then all this fuss? Even the South African president have had his say on this matter. Shall we see the request from the SA government , to have Huntley brought back, as a direct result of the intervention, if you will, of President Zuma? Now, if I really have to Spit it Out!, then I doth think that the Office of the President and it's hangers-on are more interested in the PR angle of this matter.

After all, Huntley, has firmly zoomed international attention on the crime in this country. My Canadian niece has also asked me about this matter. We haven't really discussed the issue, so I shall hear from her. What do you think? Spit It Out! Let's hear your views..

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